I thought I could post some old stuff, while I'm working with new things to post on my blog, just to keep my blog alive.
Okay. I admit it. I'm a Twilight fan. An embarrassing thing to admit, considering that the Twilight films stands on the "Children's" shelf in the stores. I just can't help it. I'm so fascinated by the story, and when I saw the first film, I was very positively surprised. I had been talking about the film in very negative terms, assuming an awful production and dreadful actors, but I was completely wrong. And I guess that's why I am ebarrassed to admit this.
I have actually started reading again, for the first time since I was little, thanks to Twilight. However, I've never been into vampires. And I'm not really reading every vampire book, or watching every vampire series on the tv, because of this (Nosferatu from 1922 is something, though). I guess there's something about this not-standard vampires that is fascinating to me (and I guess that's the reason why a lot of people is disgust by this story). And the strong love story of course. Always works.
Can't wait for the premiere of Breaking Dawn part 1! Wonder which part of the book that is to be included.
Well, about 4 months to go now. Nice to have something to look forward to, between the cold autumn weather and exams.
Have a nice Saturday!
- Hege